I think there is lots of difference between loneliness and being alone because lonely person means full of depressed, anxiety, and peevishness but the meaning of alone is never care anyone only just focus on dreams and goals. Just focus on dreams and stay alone and single is not such a boring thing but it makes you more and more peaceful and powerful. I prefer to always better be alone and happy rather than depend on others.
Apart from that, my next topic is never depend on anyone for your happiness another person can harm you and break you from inside and outside so learn to stay happy and loyal towards your parents and goals. According to my experience, day-by-day I realized that being alone is not such a boring thing so that it makes me more productive and more powerful, however I learn a lots of skills without any kind of tension, so all the best and focus on yourself and just enjoy your life without any care just live like a legends. 99% are in relationship but 1% is single and they find their freedom by gaining knowledge and acquire new skills. Life will become more easy when we put more hard-work on particular tasks and skills. So gain more knowledge and become more stronger, better, and powerful. Stay single until you become successful and fulfil your dreams. Apart from that, we have to become strong and powerful if we have an ability of being single and alone then everything will be possible another things of your life are distractions and diversions so that we can’t reach to our goals and objectives. Set boundaries and be the positive version of yourself. Moreover, if we are able to do tough things then we should do by us not depend on another person and do some typical tasks for example we can do, we started alone, we fail alone, we wins alone then all things will become easily. Furthermore, if we do things by own strength life will become peaceful and powerful. Someone said, never depend on anyone, never trust anyone, never expect anything from anyone these rules are rule over the world. We fail, we lose, we defeat, we fear but after hard-working then we rise, we overcome, we win at last. So it is not necessary to give-up life is a game of struggle and hard-working not means comfort-zone. Avoid comfort-zone just enjoy hard-zone that makes you more happy and worthy. There are many rules and regulations are significant for everyone. Better be strong and stay alone in your life, According to this era, nowadays people are wasting their time on fake love, relationships, and partying. Make your parents proud and make them trustworthy towards yourself. There are many rules and regulations for staying happy and alone such as, self-care, self-improvement, fitness, and enhancement of academic skills. Moreover, we have to become more strong so that another people can’t take the benefit of weakness. Kill your distractions and just focus on yourself. If we depend on someone then it means we are worthless, we can do everything without any kind of creating dependency on others. Make rules and regulations for become more confident and strong such as invest on yourself and do some savings for becoming best and powerful version of yourself. However, few people thinks that single life is boring but some people thinks that single life is best, peaceful, and powerful. Secondly, if we focus on ourselves then it gives us positive feedback and it gives us advantages and positive attitude towards us. I personally believe that we have to just focus on tasks and projects which is given by workplaces and institutions. Make some strict terms and conditions and follow by daily basis that if someone gives us tasks then it is compulsory to fulfill it if we can’t fulfill it then our day will be zero without working or acquiring skills. Learning and acquiring new skills must be necessary and it makes you more confident and eligible in your life. So if we are in relationships it will become very typical for us to stay alone and 99% are todays generation are in relationships but only 1% are single and they enjoy their life and also they grow in their life, stay always single and do better in life. There are some rules for becoming more stronger and brave so never give-up in every situations. At last but not least your life is precious than people so don’t waste your time and never break your rules towards people. Sometimes youths are making mistakes in this era so they can control immediately after realizing their mistakes. Never do silly mistakes and your one mistake can ruin your life. Lastly, we can make our life better if we don’t depend on others we will become more happier and better in health. Focus on your health it will also gives you positive ways to get better achievements and boost your confidence level. Be single and stay loyal towards only three things such as life, career, and your dreams.